Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Tickets
Lyric Theatre | New York, New York

When the lights go down and the curtains fall, will you be at the stunning Lyric Theatre in New York, New York on Sunday 18th February 2024 to experience Harry Potter and the Cursed Child performing an iconic theatrical musical? The incredible Harry Potter and the Cursed child opened on Broadway at the Palace Theatre in London, on July 30th, 2016. Since then, the show has been blowing away audiences all over the country, smashing box office records! But to make sure you don’t miss out catching Harry Potter and The Cursed Child perform live on Sunday 18th February 2024 at the Lyric Theatre, you have to act now. Click the Buy Tickets button below to make sure you get your tickets now!
Harry Potter and The Cursed Child in one sentence? “Every bit as spellbinding as promised.” The eighth story in J.K. Rowling's bestselling fantasy saga of wizards struggling to keep peace in a world secretly ruled by dark forces arrives on Broadway destined to repeat its astounding London success. Back when it was first announced, many observers were skeptic at the idea of a production that would continue J.K. Rowling's saga that with no external help whatsoever turned entire generations on to the joys of reading imaginative fiction. Although you may think that Harry Potter and The Cursed Child is a performance that aims to appeal to another generation of adolescents, the truth is, Harry Potter and The Cursed Child is actually a sophisticated production that raises deep questions about life with respect and aptitude. It does so without loosing any of the magic of the Harry Potter world. In fact, Tiffany spares no indulgence as his lush production unfolds, stunning us with acrobatic wand fights, polyjuice transformations, flying Dementors, and a stunt that involves water that has everyone flabergasted. Don’t miss the chance to experience all of this yourself on Sunday 18th February 2024.